We are a certfied installer of Angelwax brand, one of the finest ceramic coatings on the market! Not all ceramics are created equal. Make sure you understand the product you are purchasing and trust the technician working on your vehicle. This is definately the time where cheapest isn't always the best.
If you are looking for a magic potion that will make your car maintenance-free... that product doesn't exist. But if you keep up on small maintenance tasks then you will see tremendous benefits of having a ceramic coating.
Our professionally applied ceramic coating will . . .
Do you want the best protection possible for your new ride?
Do you normally wash your vehicle at least 1 to 2 times a month?
Do you like having the glossiest car in the lot?
Do you mind performing small, 15 minute tasks to keep the coating performing at its best? (Or, we can put you on a ceramic maintenance plan if you prefer.)
If you answered yes to most of these questions then I think a ceramic coating is right for you. If you answered no, then ask us about our 6-9 month ceramic coating. Call us today to set up an appointment or meeting to get an estimate.